LAY (William) & &
HUSSEY (Cyrus M.)
A Narrative of the Mutiny, on Board the Ship Globe, of Nantucket, in the Pacific Ocean, Jan. 1824. And the Journal of a Residence of two Years on the Mulgrave Islands; with Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants.
Nearing Fanning Island, Samuel Comstock, a.k.a. “the terrible whaleman”, boat steerer and harpooner, led the uprising on the Globe, which resulted in the murder of the ship’s four officers. Subsequently several mutineers were killed by the natives of Mili Atoll in the Marshall Islands, whilst Comstock himself was killed by his fellow mutineers. Part of the crew escaped to Valparaiso in the ship, and organised a rescue expedition led by “Mad Jack” Percival in the Dolphin which found Lay and Hussey to be the only survivors left on the atoll. The final pages of the book (165-168) are devoted to a vocabulary of words and phrases, used by the natives of the Mulgrave Islands (now called Badu).
There is quite a literature on the Globe mutiny. The best modern treatments are by A. Grove Day, in Rascals in Paradise, New York, 1957, and Edwin P. Hoyt, The Mutiny on the ‘Globe’, London, 1975.
OCLC locates only 2 copies in the UK, at the British Library.