A New Chart of the Coast of Orixa and Galconda ...

Double-page engraved chart, 440 x 535 mm. Minor staining from the guard. A very good example, in a good impression. London : John Thornton, 1703.


From: The English Pilot. The Third Book. Describing the sea-coasts, capes, headlands, straits, soundings, sands, shoals, rocks and dangers. The islands, bays, roads, harbours and ports in the Oriental Navigation. …

Rare English chart of this stretch of the coast of India, the first detailed printed English delineation of the area, prepared for the ‘Third Book’ of the English Pilot’, which is devoted to the “Oriental Navigation” the sea route from England to the Far East. A small English flag is visible denoting a trading post at ‘Visigapatam’.

This is the first state of the chart, with the imprint of John Thornton; it appeared only in the first edition of the ‘Third Book’, published in 1703, which is recorded in four institutional locations.

The plate remained in use until 1761, by which time the plate was heavily worn; this early impression emphasises the quality of Thornton’s chart-making and engraving.

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