News from Enemy Sources. No.2 & No.3.

Issued by Intelligence Section, General Staff. 4to. The first a little frayed around the edges, the second somewhat browned, but overall very good. Contained in contemporary light paper folder headed “General Headquarters. East African Force.” 2pp., 6pp. [East Africa], 1916.


These items reprint sections from captured correspondence with occasional notes by Meinertzhagen. In No.2 there are two extracts relating to German attempts to restrict the spread of Islam in German East, No. 3 reprints a lengthy series of extracts from the diary of a Naval Petty Officer called Lindenken on the Planet who had served with No.7 Schutzen Company.

The folder bears the ownership inscription of Lieut. G.S. Johnson, Force Intelligence with a note which indicates that he had possessed No.1 which is not present. No.2 was printed by No.4 Printing Section, East African Force, No.3 does not record the printer, but is designated “Confidential”.

No copies of these numbers located through OCLC as of June 2023. National Library of South Africa holds numbers 1 and 9.

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