MARGARY (Augustus).

Notes of a journey from Hankow to Ta-li Fu.

First edition. 8vo. Bound in late 19th century cloth, original wrappers bound in, minor repairs to titles, rusty stain caused by paper-clip on p. 1, but overall a very good copy. viii, 51pp. Shanghai, F. & C. Walsh, 1875.


A fascinating account of an ill-fated expedition: “The Government of India having signified a desire to send a small mission into Yün Nan, a passport was obtained last summer by the British Legation from the Chinese Government, to enable four officers and gentlemen, with their followers, to cross the frontier from the Burmese side. Mr. Margary, a young member of the China Consular Service, of great promise, was sent with a separate passport to meet the above mission, which had been placed under the leadership of Colonel Horace Browne. Having joined Colonel Browne at Bhamo, the Mission had entered China, and was but a short distance from Manwyne, when Margary pushed on to that town. He passed a week in it on his journey southward. At Manwyne, according to testimony too strong to be doubted, he was murdered on the 21st February. Mr. Margary, in compliance with his instructions, kept a journal; but the following portion of it, recording his experiences as far as Ta-li Fu, is all that was saved. There are various gaps in it, to be explained probably by the fact that he suffered from time to time seriously in health. The remainder was probably with him when he was murdered. Believing that, their interest on other grounds apart, Mr. Margary’s notes will be regarded as an acceptable souvenir by the many who knew his merits and lament his fate.” [Introduction]. Very rare. No copy in OCLC.

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