Oeuvres diverses du sieur D*** avec le traité du sublime ou du merveilleux dans le discours, traduit du Grec de Longin, nouvelle edition reveuë et augmentée. Paris, chez la veuve Billaine,


Title-page in red and black, engraved frontispiece by Landry, four engraved plates (three by Paillet, one by Landry). 2 parts in one. 8vo (161 x 85 mm). [8]ff. 283pp. [15]ff; [9]ff. 18-190pp. [6]ff. Full red Jansenist-style morocco, i.e.g., g.e., by Belz-Niedrée, 1683.


Third collected edition to which much new material has been added; it contains all the Oeuvres Diverses which had appeared in the 1674 edition, but also for the first time Epistres VI-IX, a letter to the Duc de Vivonne, chants V & VI of Le Lutrin, remarks by Dacier on Longinus and a new preface by the author. In this copy there are three engraved plates in the first part, as well as an engraved frontispiece; although Brunet also calls for three plates not all copies seem to have this number, both Tchemerzine and Magne called for only two. An excellent copy finely bound. Tchemerzine II, p. 273. Brunet I, 1057. Magne, no. 261.

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