MACLAGAN (Philip Douglas) &
RICKETTS (Charles)
Pages on Art.
Very good, extremities only slightly rubbed. Pencil inscription to ffep., presumably in his hand, reads ‘Bound by Philip Maclagan’, while a note below in a hand consistent with Douglas Cockerell’s reads ‘Under the supervision of Douglas Cockerell’.
A fine example of a student binding made under the supervision of Douglas Cockerell at the Central School of Arts and Crafts on Southampton Row. Philip Maclagan was an accomplished painter, having studied at the Royal Academy in 1920 where he became close friends with his teacher Glyn Philpot. In the hopes of finding a means of supplementing his income, Maclagan studied a course in bookbinding at the Central School of Art in the winter of 1934 under the supervision of the great Douglas Cockerell. The present binding shows Cockerell’s influence distinctly, and it would not be surprising were Maclagan to have received assistance with the skilfully executed tooling; it is interesting to note the influence of Maclagan’s training as a fine artist in the overall design. The choice of text is also particularly apt, Ricketts was a significant influence on Maclagan, and he spent much time in these years visiting the home of Glyn Philpot in the flat which had formerly been occupied by Ricketts and Shannon.