Peking, North China, South Manchuria and Korea.

With Maps, Plans and Illustrations. Fifth edition. 3 folding maps and numerous photographic illustrations in the text. 8vo. Original decorated cloth, a very good copy. [iv], 143, [xxii](ads.)pp. Shanghai, North China Daily News, 1924.


“Peking is the one city in China where the traveller sees native life untouched and uninfluenced by foreign discipline and regulation, and at the same time lives and moves in comfort , in good hotels, good streets, and first-class conveyances.” (Intro). A rare guide-book published by the famous British travel-agent. Interesting is the scope of the work which was made possible by the opening of a railway-link between Seoul and Peking (change at Mukden) run by the (Japanese) South Manchuria Railway Co.

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