Two frontispieces, and 30 plates engraved by Geoffroy after Gavarni, all in two states, on chine monté, and on elegantly coloured and printed papier vélin with borders cut to lace patterns. 2 vols. 8vo (282 x 190 mm). Contemporary gilt panelled vellum, by Carayon, with bound in original pictorial wrappers printed in pink , 1850.
The very rare special issue in which the steel engravings are printed and delicately coloured on paper with borders cut to various lace patterns, or “decoupées en dentelles”. The work is generally only considered complete if both volumes are present as in this example. Carteret remarks: “La réunion des deux ouvrages avec les gravures à marges de dentelles est assez rare à rencontrer”. Gordon Ray only had a copy of the ordinary issue, but remarked that the special edition was far more appealing, and considered that by presenting the plates in this way “Gavarni’s designs become fashion plates of the first order”.Bookplate of Albert Pascal. A few spots but generally an excellent copy of this important issue. Carteret III, pp. 460-1. Ray 209 & 209A.