Philippi Cluverii Introductio in Universam Geographiam tam veterem quam novam tabulis geographicis XLVI. Ac notis olim ornata ....
Philipp Cluver (1580-1622) was born in Danzig, but spent much of his career at the University of Leiden. His Universam Geographiam became a standard geographical text, and was much reprinted in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, many editions with a set of maps.
This edition has a new series of maps, engraved on a substantially larger format: quarto rather than octavo; they are also more accomplished engravings than found in some rival editions. Despite Shirley’s assertion, this is the First Edition of Wolters’ edition of Cluverius.
Reference: Shirley, T.CLUV-8a.