SMYTH (William Henry).

Plan of the City and Bay of Syracuse, ...

Full-page engraved chart, 470 x 620 mm, the paper watermarked 1827. A very good example. London : Admiralty Hydrographic Office, 19th July, 1823.


William Henry Smyth (1788-1865) was one of the leading Admiralty hydrographic surveyors of the early nineteenth century, finishing his naval career as Admiral. The majority of his survey work was carried out in the Mediterranean - hence his nickname “Mediterranean Smyth”, with his Hydrography of Sicily, Malta and the adjacent islands …, published by the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty in 1823, and the accompanying Memoir descriptive of the resources, inhabitants, and hydrography, of Sicily, and its islands …, published in 1824.

A detailed chart of the bay and environs of Syracuse, with a detailed block-plan for the city itself, and much detail for the harbour and hinterland. The key lists 16 important features in the city, while the map marks many classical remains around the city. An inset view depicts the City taken from the ruins of the Temple of Jupiter Olympus on the other side of the harbour.

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