Inscribed by the author on the date of her reception into the Catholic Church, “For Father M.C. D’Arcy SJ with deepest and unforgettable gratitude from Edith Sitwell. 4th August 1955”. Father d’Arcy was the most prominent Jesuit of his day, largely responsible for her entry into the Church, as he had been for Evelyn Waugh’s some 25 years before. June Rockett, in her life of Phillip Caraman, who had been involved in her religious instruction, quotes Evelyn Waugh’s letter to Caraman writing of his anxieties about the event: “I am an old friend of Edith’s and love her. She is liable to make herself a little conspicuous at times … What I fear is that the popular papers may take her up as a kind of Garbo-Queen Christina … There are so many malicious people about to make a booby of a Sitwell.“An excellent copy in a worn and torn dust jacket, with some small loss to the front cover.