[SHELLEY (Mary)].

[Program] Gaiety Theatre. Frankenstein. Manager George Edwardes.

First edition. 8vo. [8] pp. Original paper wrappers printed in blue. London, Waterlow & Sons Ltd, 1887.


The original programme for the production of Frankenstein at the Gaiety Theatre, a Christmas burlesque extravaganza which opened on the 24th December and ran for 106 performances “the longest run of any British dramatization of the novel” (Forry). The play starred Nellie Farren in a breeches role as Dr Frankenstein. It was written by Richard Butler and H. Chance Newton, and the music was composed by William Meyer Lutz with “incidental songs” composed by Robert Martin. The play has never been published in its entirety. The original typescript sent to the Lord Chamberlain’s office for approval is held at the British Library, and two musical scores were published, the entire score as well as separate issue of the score for “The Dispensary Doctor” (see next item), both are considerably rare.

Frankenstein or the Vampire’s Victim, would be the last adaptation of the novel to be produced in the nineteenth century. This production like The Model Man was conceived for the Christmas audience, and emphasised extravagance and staging over plot, the “extensive list of credits in the program demonstrates that the production was quite elaborate: […] There was an orchestra of fifty players and a chorus of one hundred voices.” (Stuart). It is also the first dramatization of Frankenstein to feature vampires, and thus for the first-time placed “on stage the creations of Mary Shelley and John Polidori” (Forry), a merger that would be repeated many times thereafter. The adaptation is an important moment in the popularisation of the story and process of the eventual establishment of the novel as a “classic”.

Any printed materials pertaining to nineteenth century adaptations of Frankenstein are scarce, which speaks to the disposable and ephemeral nature of such material.

An excellent example, some spotting, and a little creasing to back page. .

Stock No.