DOWSON, Ernest.
Programme for the performance of The Pierrot of the Minute
The evening began with “Un Marquise”, a dramatic vignette adapted from Austin Dobson and featuring William Theodore Peters. A concert followed, including works by Beethoven, Greig, et al. Then came The Pierrot with Peters and Miss Ida North, and “incidental music expressly composed by Noel Johnson.” Miss Alice Davies sang “The Moon Maiden’s Song” which is printed on p. 4 of the program, at the end of the play. This program referenced by Longaker, p. 136.
The first performances seem an unlikely collaboration of Decadent and Conservative values, at Chelsea Town Hall on behalf of the “Primrose League”, the social wing of the Conservative Party, and the second at The Officers Club, Aldershot. In good sound condition, though the cheap paper is somewhat foxed, with the upper right corner chipped, two vertical folds, and a one-inch tear extending down from the top edge.