MARCUSE (Herbert).

Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory.

First edition, first printing. 8vo. xii, 431, [1] pp. Original blue cloth, spine and front cover lettered in gilt, dust jacket (internally clean and unmarked; jacket with some light shelf wear to extremities, otherwise a near fine copy). New York, Oxford University Press, 1941.


‘In 1941 Marcuse’s studies of Marx and Hegel culminated in a book entitled Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory. This book accomplished several things. First, it disclosed the role of Hegel’s most critical, revolutionary, and emancipatory concepts in the development of Marx’s critical philosophy. Secondly, it rescued Hegel from the charge that his social and political philosophy was conservative and legitimated the oppressive Prussian state. The third great accomplishment, or at least goal, embodies the first two accomplishments and is perhaps the most important for the formation of Marcuse’s form of critical theory. The Hegelian/Marxian notion of dialectic or what Marcuse will call negative thinking becomes a central element in Marcuse’s critical theory. In part, Reason and Revolution is not an attempt to rescue Hegel, but rather, an attempt to rescue dialectical or negative thinking’ (Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy).

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