A Record of the Professional Services of Rear-Admiral Sir William Hutcheon Hall, K.C.B. F.R.S. Compiled from Official and other Documents.

First edition. One engraved plate. 8vo. Original blue cloth, overall a very good copy. [iv], 81pp. London, Printed for Private Circulation by Savill, Edwards & Co., 1867. Bound together with Captain Thomas STUART: Extract from a Nautical Essay on Sailors’ Homes, and the Crimpage System, accompanied by some remarks on the indefatigable exertions of Rear-Admiral Hall. 20pp. London, Cawthorne and Hutt, 1866.


Hall (1797-1878) was commander of the Nemesis during the first Opium War. The Nemesis was the first iron steamer to ship around the Cape of Good Hope and it in no small way due to its technical innovations and improved manouverability that the victory over the Chinese troops was as easy and decisive. See also Bernard: Narrative of the Voyages and Services of the Nemesis from 1840 to 1843. (London, 1844).

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