OTTENS (Reinier). & OTTENS (Josua).

Regnum Persicum Imperium Turcicum in Asia Russorum Provinciae ad Mare Caspium aliaeque regiones finitimae, item Pontum Euxini, Maris Caspii, ac Sinus Persici, novissimae ac fidelissimae delineationes ...

Handsome large-format map of Persia

Large folding engraved map, 500 x 875 mm on two sheets joined, in fine original wash colour. Some restoration to the left-hand margin outside the printed area. [Amsterdam: Reinier & Josua Ottens], 1730.


Impressive large-format map of Persia, extending from the western extent of Asia Minor into Afghanistan.

This is one of the largest maps of Persia of the period, printed on two sheets, and originally folded into a contemporary composite atlas.

Reinier (I) (1698-1750) and Josua (1704-1765) were brothers, inheriting their father’s cartographic publishing business on the death of their mother in 1725. They had an interesting and varied output, as one of the leading map-publishers of their period in Amsterdam, including this fine map of Persia.

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