HANSON (Capt. J.)
Route of Lieutenant-General Sir Miles Nightingall, K.C.B. Overland from India.
The heroic title of this work is rather misleading. Hanson in company with Sir Miles and Lady Nightingall made a sea voyage from Bombay to the Red Sea, where, off Mocha, their ship grounded and they found themselves at the mercy of “ local ruffians“. The ship successfully re-floated made for Jeddah, where the passengers were cordially treated by the the Turkish Governor, newly established after the Egyptian miltary campaign to restore Ottomant rule in Arabia. After taking advice from Salt, the party determined on an overland route to the Nile from Kosseir on the Red Sea in order to visit Thebes. They found: “the passage across the desert in the cool months of January, February, March and April, is to be performed with trifling inconvenience…”
Lady Nightingall, whose good humour and stoicism Hanson oft applauds, is the undisputed heroine of this narrative.