MARSHALL (William).

Rural Economy of Glocestershire; including its dairy: together with the dairy management of North Wiltshire; and the management of Orchards and Fruit Liquor, in Hereforshire.


First edition. 2 vols. Engraved folding map. 8vo. Full contemporary polished calf with red and green lables to spines, ruled and tooled in gilt. A little shelfwear else a very good copy. xxviii, 332, [4ads]; iv, 401pp. Glocester, printed by R. Raikes for G. Nicol, Pall-Mall, London, 1789.


William Marshall (1745-1818) was a Yorkshire born agricultural writer and land agent. “In 1787 Marshall published the first of his major studies of the farming practices of six different regions of England, The Rural Economy of Norfolk; this was followed by studies on Yorkshire (1788), Gloucestershire (1789), the midland counties (1790), the west of England (1796), and the southern counties (1798). To a second edition of the last he added in 1799 a Sketch of the Vale of London. Many of these works were translated into French and published in Paris in 1803” (ODNB). An important theorist on British countryside matters, Marshall was a leading voice in the formation of the Board of Agriculture, though he was snubbed for the secretary role in favour of his rival Arthur Young.

This Gloucester instalment of his Rural Economy series contains much on dairy farming and cheesemaking, as well as the management of various livestock and the distilling of fruit liquor.

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