MOSQUERA (Tomàs Cipriano de). Memoria Sobre de Geografía, Física y Politíca, de la Nueva Granada.
Large folding map at rear. 8vo. Printed front wrapper bound in. 104pp. Nueva York, Impr. De S.W. Benedict, 1852.
Written and printed following liberal statesman and general T.C. Mosquera’s first presidency of the then Republic of New Grenada whilst he was living in New York. This treatise, dedicated to the Geographical Society of New York, contains details on the geography, climate, vegetation, geology, ethnography zoology and political history of Colombia. It includes a useful table of the common names of plants, and information on the Amazon and Orinoco rivers.
Two copies only in auction records since 1978. Sabin, 52069.
Carta de Ruta Del Meta al Orinoco. Folding map, lithographically printed. 157 by 297mm. Trimmed close to titles, lacking imprint. N.p., N.d. [1848?] Slightly browned.
Depicts the path of the River Meta to the River Orinoco from Santa Fe de Bogota to Carichana.
SAMPER (Jose Maria). Ensayo Aproximado sobre la Jeografia Politica I Estadistica de los ocho Estados que compondrán el 15 de Setiembre de 1867, la Federaoion Neo-Granadina. 8vo. 39pp. Bogotá, Imp. De “El Neo-granadino.”, 1857.
A very rare Columbian imprint by liberal writer, lawyer and politician Jose Maria Samper.
OCLC finds copies of this essay only at Yale, Library of Congress, Suny, BL, Cambridge & Fuer Lanuender Bunde. Not in Sabin. Not in JCB.
CODAZZI (A.). “Sr. Gobernardor del Estado de Cundinamaeca…” Bogota, 8 de noviembre de 1858. Folded full broadside newspaper article, titles trimmed away.
[TRIANA (José Jerónimo).] Al Congreso de la Confederacion Granadina. Manifesto del Miembro de la Comision Corografica encargo de sus trabajos Botanicos I de la publicacion de la Florai de I tratado sobre las plantas utiles de la Neuva Granada. 8vo. 20,iv pp. Paris, Imprimerie Centrale des Chemins de Fer, 1860.
A rare pamphlet of endorsements for the Colombian botanist and explorer José Jerónimo Triana (1828-1890) by his peers in the international scientific community. Triana was appointed the head of botany for the ‘Comision Corografica’ in 1851, an initiative designed to advance the study of Colombian Flora. He established a herbaria during this tenure of over 2,200 plants, and is said to have catalogued all together over 60,000 individual specimens. Dr. Triana’s funding for the Comision Corografica appears to have been cut at some point after 1857, and this pamphlet sees the greatest names of international botany come together in an appeal to the representatives of the Confederacion Granadina to allow Dr. Triana to complete his important work. They include: Adolphe-Théodore Brongniart, Joseph Decaisne, Claude Gay, Jules Émil Planchon, and W.J. & J.D. Hooker.
OCLC finds one copy only at BNF.
LEWY (B.) Exposé des Observations Faites dans la Nouvelle-Granade. Institut de France. Académie des Sciences. Extrait des Comptes rendus des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, tome XXXIII, séance du 11 août 1851. 3,[1blank]pp. Paris, Imprimerie de Bachelier, 1851.
LEWY (B.) Recherches sur Constitution de l’Atmosphère. Institut de France. Académie des Sciences. Extrait des Comptes rendus des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, tome XXXIII, séance du 29 septembre 1851. 5,[3blanks]pp. Paris, Imprimerie de Bachelier, 1851.