BREDON (Robert Edward).
Shanghai 1843-1893 - The Model Settlement - Its Birth, its Youth, its Jubilee.
While there is no information about the size of the edition, this is one of the rarest publications about Shanghai. The book is based on articles and reports “put into their present and more permanent shape in answer to a general request from numerous readers of the Shanghai Mercury, so that some little remembrance in handy form might remain of Shanghai’s fiftieth birthday, which would serve to convey to friends at a distance some notion of the Birth, Youth, and Jubilee of what we are proud to call the ‘Model Settlement’ of China… The photographs, with which the work is illustrated… have been taken by the Shanghai Photo-Enlarging Company. A comparison, however, between the pictures of the Bund in 1849 and 1893 will tell better than any words of ours can do what fifty years have done.” (Introductory). The book is divided into three parts, the first giving an overview of the history of Shanghai, while the second provides an account of the organisation of the events which include private and public decorations, religious services, speeches, parades, fireworks, and performances. The last part comprises a “Decennial Report on the Trade of Shanghai, 1882-1891” by R.E. Bredon, the Commissioner of Customs.
Very rare. 8 copies in OCLC.