[LOBO (Geronimo)].
A Short Relation of the River Nile, of its Source and Current; of its Overflowing the Campagnia of Ægypt, till it runs into the Mediterranean; and of other curiosities.
The Macclesfield copy, with blind stamp on the title and first few leaves and facsimile bookplate.
This little book was translated by Sir Peter Wyche from an original manuscript of Jeronymo Lobo brought from Lisbon to the Royal Society by Sir Robert Southwell who had met the “inquisitive and observing Jesuite”. It is the only work by Lobo to have been published during his lifetime, and contains chapters on the “famous Unicorne”, “Prester John” etc. It also has good information on Arab shipping in the Indian Ocean and notices of Melinde.
Wing L2734. First published in English in 1669.