TOBIN (Thomas.W.)

Sketches - Taken during a Diamond Tour Through South Africa


4to. 39 pen and ink illustrations laid down, 8 with wash. Cream paper wrappers, spine worn, 1871.


A rare survival dating from the first South African diamond rush. Thomas Tobin, Secretary of the the Royal Polytechnic Institution, and three assistants were despatched by the Mayfair jeweller Edwin Streeter to undertake a thorough survey of not only the geology but also the extant South African diamond industry.

Edwin Streeter was a renowned gemstone merchant, jeweller and author whose publications, included Precious Stones and Gems (London, 1877) and The Great Diamonds of the World (London, 1882). The sketch book contains a number of landscape views which display robust, accurate if unromantic draughtsmanship as well as diagrams detailing the geological composition of the land.

The illustrations are as follows: 1. Sketch of the Constitution of Table Mountain 2. On Table Mountain 3. “The Bluff” - Natal Jan 14 1871 4. The Wreck of the “Westenhope” Bird Islands Jan 11 1871 5. Section of country from Durban to Maritzburg. Natal. 6. Probable section of Greenstone trap mountain. 7. Ox Cart (Natal) Jan 19. 1871 8. Umgeni Falls - Natal.. nr. Maritzburg. 9. Interior of “Kafir hut” (Petty Chief) 10. “The Drakensberg” from Natal 11. The Source of the Vaal River (about 5 hours) 12. Platberg - Harrismith 13. “Rensberg Kop”. “Drakensberg” 14. “Aalltges Kop” Harrismith. 15. Free state. on road about 18m from Hebron 16. Robinson’s Farm. 17. “Our Tent” at Spence’s Farm 18. The Vaal River from Spence Kop 19. At the Diggings 20. Pniel (from Klipdrift) 21. Sections of the “Vaal River” 22. Pniel - from “Jardines” 23. Sketch of Formation of “Du Toits Pan” 24. “Du Toit’s Pan” from. “Bultfontein” June 10.71 25. The House “plastered with diamonds” - Du Toits’ Pan 26. Free State (about 10 m from “Du Toits Pan”) near Modder River 27. Modder River drift -sand and mud deposit- June 12.71 28. Fauresmith (near Jagersfontein). 29. Orange River near Belhulie 30. “Outspan” 31. Burghersdorp. 32. Queenstown from the Hexagon 33. On the Katberg (Hex’s_looking E) 34. Clayslate beds _ Grahamstown 35. Section of country from - Port Elizabeth to Somerset 36. St Helena (looking W) 37. Peak Teuesifffe (?) from the sea 38. Ascension (looking N.W.) 39. - Nos 1 and 2 The first diamonds found in S. Africa. 3 The “Hopkins diamond. (Straw colour)

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