UNGAR (Edward).
Souvenir Booklet to Jordan Trip. Following the Footsteps of Our Lord from Jordan, Jericho to Jerusalem.
An extremely rare booklet issued to tourists on F.C. Clark’s twelfth Mediterranean cruise, to accompany a trip from Jordan to Jerusalem. It comprises a list of places of interest (with historical notes and biblical quotations) and two short essays, ‘Women in the East’ and ‘The Bedawin: Children of the Desert’. The former principally outlines Islamic marriage customs in Palestine, with a focus on the role of the bride.
Frank C. Clark was among New York’s most famous travel agents. He maintained a travel bureau in the Times Building and pioneered the concept of the world cruise. His annual Mediterranean cruise was a highly coveted event and encompassed Madeira, Algiers, Athens, Istanbul and Jerusalem. Those attending the 12th cruise, for which this booklet was produced, spent twenty-four days in Egypt and Palestine, where Clark himself had travelled as a young man.
Seemingly unrecorded, with no examples in LibraryHub or OCLC.