NICOLLS (James A.) & & EGLINGTON (William).

The Sportsman in South Africa.

The haunts, habits, description, and the pursuit of all game, both fur and feather, found south of the Zambesi (including the Cape Colony, Transvaal, Bechuanaland, Natal, and Damaraland), at the present day, with brief notices of the best known fresh and salt-water fish. First edition. Frontispiece & 12 plates with multiple images. 8vo. Very good original pictorial cloth, some occasional spotting. viii, 147, 10ads.pp. London, 1892.


A guide for beginners, this book could easily be mistaken for a work on natural history. Each chapter is devouted to a separate animal, with occasional remarks on the laws of the areas in which they are to be found in southern africa. Czech, p123.

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