CARRANZA (Bartolomé), Abp. of Toledo

Summa conciliorum et pontificum a Petro usque ad Iulium terium . . . cui accessit Concilii Tridentini tandem sub S.D.N. Pio IIII. Pontifice Maximo. Paris, apud Iacobum du Puys,


Woodcut headpiece and initial, each page ruled in red ink. 16mo. (125 x 75mm). [16], 526, [2] (blank) ff. Contemporary vellum, single gilt fillet, central oval gilt arabesque stamp on covers and gilt arabesque corner-pieces, flat spine divided into compartments by decorative gilt roll, small flower tool in the centre of each compartment, title lettered in ink in the first, overlapping edges, fragment of 14th? century ms. used as binder’s waste, g.e, 1564.


A finely bound pocket edition of Carranza’s important summary of the Church Councils from St. Peter’s pontificate to that of Julius III, first published in Venice, 1546. The Dominican theologian Carranza (1503-76) was sent to the Council of Trent in 1545 by Emperor Charles V, along with his fellow Dominican Dominicus de Soto, as imperial theologians. He took an active part in the deliberations and returned to Trent when the Council was re-opened by Julius III in 1551. Carranza was sent to England in 1554 by Philip of Spain to help his betrothed, Queen Mary, bring the country back to the Catholic faith. He cooperated greatly with Cardinal Pole, even made an inspection of the University of Oxford, and stayed until 1557. On his return to Spain he was made Archbishop of Toledo and, therefore, primate of Spain, but he soon came under the scrutiny of the Inquisition whose laborious investigations lasted until 1576, when he was cleared of heresy but died in the same year. This edition not in BMSTC (French) or Adams. OCLC (USA: Folger only).

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