SMEATON (William), Mariner.

Table of ship proportions and navigational distances and bearings.

Tabulated manuscript. Written on one side of a folded folio sheet. Size: 400 by 325mm. c, 1690.


Written in a clear, attractive hand this manuscript is divided into two parts. On the right Smeaton gives the time of high water at new or full moon, and the distance and course from London for over 130 cities, islands and rivers. Europe is covered in the most detail though it ranges as far as Japan, Barbados, New York and Cape Horn, a clear indication of the expanding horizons of British sailors.On the left, he gives the “Proportions of chief Members of Frigot built Ships” for ships with a keel’s length of 150 feet down to 40 feet with 5 feet intervals. Beneath this section he has written this charming verse: “But Men much chainging in their Minde; A Rule for al no one can Finde; Yet this may be a good Proportion; For wel built ships to cross the Oceon.”

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