JAILLOT (Alexis Hubert).
Tablettes geographiques, ou recueil des principales cartes, generales ou particulieres, pour l'usage de toutes sortes de personnes, & principalement des voyageurs ...
Very rare atlas, apparently first published in 1695 and here re-issued in 1699. It comprises maps of the world and five continents (the Americas on two maps), celestial hemispheres, maps of the countries of Europe and Palestine or the Holy Land.
This atlas seems to have sparked a resurgence in maps with armorial side borders, heretofore attributed to the slightly later publisher Daniel de la Feuille. The atlas is further indication of the relationship between Jaillot and Pierre Mortier, where Mortier published a sequence of atlases in Amsterdam, disguised under Jaillot’s Paris imprint.
Reference: this atlas is unrecorded in Pastoureau; one copy of the 1695 edition (only) has been traced in an institution.