THORNHILL (Christopher J.)

Taking Tanganyika.

Experiences of an Intelligence Officer 1914-1918. Foreword by Francis Brett Young. Introduction by Capt. S. H. La Fontaine. Frontispiece and fourteen other plates and map to the text. Avery good in the original ochre cloth, a little rubbed, . 288pp. 12pp. ads. Stanley Paul & Co. Ltd., 1937.


One of the least common and most appealing accounts of service in East Africa, “Here is no attempt at a coherent account of the story of the campaign; the author is too modest to attempt this, nor do we require it of him. Its value and its attraction lie in the fact that it tells us in simple breezy language, adorned only by a wealth of detail and incident, the story of a typical East African settler soldier during the Campaign which secured German East Africa for the Empire - his joys and his sorrows, his hardships and his diversions, his exploits and his failures. For this reason it fulfills a long-felt want.” [From the Introduction].

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