JEVONS (William Stanley).
The Theory of Political Economy. With Notes and an Extension of the Bibliography of Mathematical Writings by H. Stanley Jevons.
A lovely copy of the fourth edition of Jevons’s principal contribution to economics in which he outlined his marginal utility theory of value - an American issue with the printed paper label of ‘The Macmillan Company New York’ pasted upside down to spine panel of jacket.
Originally published in 1871, The Theory of Political Economy, along with the ‘almost simultaneously published treatises of Menger and Walras, must be considered as opening up a new period in economic theorising, marking what was later to called the marginal revolution’ (Blaug).
While he made no fundamental changes for the second edition published in 1879, Jevons revised the book thoroughly and discussed criticisms of it in a new preface, in which he announced his discovery of Gossen. The posthumously published third edition added to the appendix containing the bibliographic list of mathematico-economic books and a preface by Jevons’s wife Harriet A. Jevons. The bibliography was then expanded in the present fourth edition by the author’s son Herbert Stanley Jevons, himself an economist, who also contributed a new preface and extra explanatory notes to the text.
Inoue & White, Bibliography of published works by W. S. Jevons, 118.