JOHNSON, Lionel.

Three Poems.

Brief introduction by Vincent Starrett. First edition. Stapled as issued into plain wrappers. Ysleta, [Texas]: Edwin B. Hill, 1928.


A fine copy. Edwin Hill was a titan of tiny editions - a true private press enthusiast, he printed over 200 small editions of books at home, laying claim to be America’s longest-established private press. He was close friends with the American bibliophile Vincent Starrett, who write a brief foreword here, and Hill’s two books of verse by Johnson must have come through that channel for his usual passions were for Thoreau and Poe. A checklist published in The American Book Collector states an edition of 100 for this wee thing. The poems include “In Honorem Doriani Creatorisque Eius”, addressed to Oscar Wilde, in thanks for an inscribed copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray.

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