First edition. 8vo. viii, 209, [3] pp. Original blue cloth, spine lettered and ruled in gilt, ruling continued to boards in blind (extremities ever so slightly rubbed, small mark to rear board, some rather unfortunate pencilled highlighting and annotations throughout, otherwise a very good copy). London, MacMillan and Co., Limited, 1923.
The first of Keynes’ paradigm-shifting contributions to monetary economics during inter-war period, being a ‘revision and elaboration of the series of article on post-war economic policy that Keynes first published in 1922 in the ‘Reconstruction Supplements’ (which he edited) of the Manchester Guardian Commercial’ (New Palgrave). Written in the context of the monetary disorders brought about by the First World War, Keynes’ Tract on Monetary Reform ‘developed the case for a managed currency in place of the gold standard, which he dismissed as ‘a barbarous relic’’ (ODNB).
Moggridge A 5.1.