MOLLIEN (Gaspard-Theodore). & BOWDICH T.E.

Travels in the Interior of Africa

to the Sources of the Senegal and Gambia; performed by command of the French Government in the year 1818.First English edition, edited by T.E. Bowdich. Large folding engraved map, with stipple-engraved frontispiece and 6 further (aquatint) plates. 4to. Original paper boards, rebacked at a later date and furnished then with a new paper label. Boards worn, especially at corners and upper board detached. Uncut. xi, 379, 1ad.pp. London, Henry Colburn, 1820.


In 1818 Mollien explored parts of central Africa, where he discovered the sources of both the Gambia and the Rio Grande rivers. The imminent rainy season prevented him from reaching Timbuktoo and he was forced to abandon his travels in Timbo, the capital of Futa Dschalon. He was the first to transverse Senegal and Gambia from North to South and provides useful additional information to the research of Mungo Park. Gay 2910.

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