PARK (Mungo).

Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa:

Performed under the direction and patronage of the African Association, in the years 1795, 1796 and 1797. With an appendix, containing geographical illustrations of Africa by Major Rennell.

First edition. 3 engraved folding maps (1 with route coloured in outline), portrait & 5 engraved plates. 4to. Contemporary half mottled calf, joints split but firm, black morocco label to spine, occasional light browning as well as some slight foxing to the plates. Offset from maps to facing pages. [xxviii], 372, xcii, [ii]pp. 2 plates of music. This copy with the armorial bookplate of John, Lord Sheffield. London, Printed for the author, 1799.


Park was the first European to reach the Niger. His “Travels had an immediate success and was translated into most European languages. It has become a classic of travel literature, and it’s scientific observations on the botany and the meteorology of the region… have remained of lasting value” (Printing & the Mind of Man).Cox I, 394-95; Ibrahim Hilmy II, 93; Graesse V, 136.

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