PAUL OF ALEPPO (Archdeacon) &
BELFOUR (F.C.), translator.
The Travels of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch; Part the Third. The Cossack Country and Muscovy. (This part only).
A decorative printed sheet in mauve ink preceding the title page announces “This copy was printed for the Right Honourable Earl of Ellenborough…”
Paul of Aleppo or Paul Za’im (1627–1669) was a Syrian Ottoman Orthodox clergyman who travelled extensively through Russia and the Black Sea environs in the seventeenth century. This English translation of his narrative, originally published in Arabic, was issued to members of the Oriental Translation Fund. This is part three only, covering the country of the Cossacks, Kiev, Bakumi, Krasna, Tartar slavery, agriculture and customs towards foreigners. This is the third of nine parts which were issued between 1829-1836; all are rare in commerce.