With an Appendix containing the Regulations to be Observed in the Home Encampment of the Present Year. a New Edition, with Considerable Additions and Alterations. 16mo. Some browning, otherwise very good in contemporary red roan with armorials gilt to both boards, neatly rebacked, corners repaired. [ii], viii, 137pp, 1795.
This copy of the edition of 1795 does not appear to paginate as the copies listed in either the BL or on OCLC. The BL copy seems to have 5pp. not called for or present in this copy, whilst the copies listed for 1795 on OCLC have minor differences in the continuation title and another variant pagination. Ownership inscription of “Major John Scobie, Reay’s F. Highlanders, Fort George, 1795” to the front pastedown. A very pleasing copy.