12mo. [Bound together with;] BÜLOW ([Heinrich] D[ietrich] von). Die Ausführbarkeit einer Landung der Franzosen in England [Bound together with;] Die Bevorstehende Landung in England. Eine Prophezeihung. Auf dem Englischen übersetzt. Library stamp removed from the title page of the first-named, light browning throughout, but overall very good in contemporary half calf on paper-covered boards, just a little rubbed. viii, 32pp., 32pp., 64pp. [?Frankfurt], 1803.
Interesting collection of scarce invasion-scare pamphlets produced in Germany, the second only gives a place of publication. The first item being extracted from Lloyd’s Political and Military Rhapsody…, the second from Bülow’s Geschichte der Feindlichen Landungen in England, the last apparently translated from an anonymous English pamphlet. We have been unable to trace copies of any of these three items.