Vera ac syncera vitae Christianae norma seu regula . . . authore D. Florentio Harlemio . . . interprete vero F. Laurentio Surio Carthusiae Coloniensis alumno. Cologne, heirs of Joannes Quentel & Corvinius Calenius,
The second expanded edition of the Institutiones Vitae Christianae originally written in German by Florentius of Haarlem, Carthusian prior at Louvain; the author died before he had completed the work and it was then completed and translated by Laurentius Surius and first published in 1552. This edition has a new preface which explains that this edition has many additions and corrects the several faults made by the printer. Surius entered the Charterhouse at Cologne in 1542 and spent most of his remaining life there. His most important work was his collection of the lives of the saints which appeared in six volumes between 1570 and 1577. He wrote several works of church history and hagiography and translated into Latin works by Tauler, Heinrich Seuse, Ruysbroeck and Gropper. Early ownership inscription on title-page, later monastic stamp.
Rare: not in OCLC, RLIN or Adams. BMSTC has 1552 edition only. VD16 F1661.