Giunta’s device on title-page, several passages in Greek letter. 4to (185 x 138 mm). [20], 152ff. 17th century vellum, 1566.
First edition in Latin. This work is a glossary to the works of Hippocrates which was compiled by the 1st century Greek grammarian Erotianus and includes the earliest list of writings of Hippocrates including some now lost. The Greek text had first appeared in 1564 in Henri Estienne’s Dictionarium Medicum, and this translation is by the Italian physician Bartolomeo Eustachi (1520-1574), a distinguished Italian physician whose Opuscula anatomica in 1564 contained several anatomical discoveries including that of the Eustachian tube. This edition includes Eustachi’s commentary on the Greek text as well as the first edition of his work De multitudine, ff. 128-52.Adams E927. Hoffmann II, 35. Durling 1387.