FUNNELL (William).

A Voyage around the World.


Containing an account of Captain Dampier’s expedition into the South-Seas in the Ship St. George. In the Years 1703 and 1704… together with the Author’s Voyage from Amapalla on the West-Coast of Mexico to East-India… the Cape of Good Hope, &c.

First edition. 5 folding engraved maps & charts, 10 engraved plates. 8vo. Eighteenth-century sprinkled calf, joints repaired. World map stub renewed, one plate trimmed a little close shaving a few characters. 300, [17]pp. London, W. Botham for James Knapton, 1707.


“It was Funnell, not Dampier, who really circumnavigated the globe on this voyage, as Dampier proceeded only as far as the South Seas. The purpose of the expedition was to harass the Spaniards and take plunder from vessels and towns in South America. Its failure was due to the differences that arose between them. Funnell arrived in England before Dampier and seized the opportunity to compose a relation of his voyage: a task for which he was poorly qualified. His narrative contained much that was disapproved of by Dampier, who immediately after published a Vindication of his voyage, pointing out the misrepresentations of Funnell” (Hill).

Funnell accompanied William Dampier as an officer on his second circumnavigation, aboard the 26-gun ship St George. Much in the style of Dampier, his account is replete with observations on natural history and augmented with charming engravings of flora and fauna.

Hill, 664; Sabin, 26213; ESTC T52634.

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