SPARRMAN (Anders).

A Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope,

towards the Antarctic Polar Circle, and round the World: but chiefly into the country of the Hottentots and Caffres, from the year 1772, to 1776… First Dublin edition. 2 vols. Folding map & 9 plates. 4to. Contemporary russia, gilt, vol. II stained, tear to map. xxxvi, 395; xi, 382pp. Dublin, White, Cash and Byrne, 1785.


Sparrman assisted Johann George Forster, the voyage’s naturalist, to which the plates at the rear of the second volume attest. During the voyage Sparrman translated a Swedish medical work into English and with the money was able to finance an expedition of his own into the interior of South Africa, where he made the first study of bushmen. According to Theal, Sparrman’s narrative is the “most trustworthy account of the Cape Colony and the various races of people residing in it”. Mendelssohn II, p414; Theal, p279; Beddie, 1276; Howgego, S154.

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