CHABERT (Joseph Bernard).

Voyage fait par Ordre du Roi en 1750 et 1751, Dans Amerique Septentrionale, pour rectifier les cartes des Côtes de l'Acadie, de l'Isle Royale & de l'Isle de Terreneuve; et pour en fixer les principaux points par des Observations Astronomiques.

6 folding engraved maps, folding plate, folding table. 4to. Full contemporary calf with gilt tooling and title to spine, and gilt armorial crests to boards. All edges red. Skilfully recased with original spine laid down. Corners bumped, light dampstaining to endpapers and margins, occasional spotting, book mark stain to one of the maps. Paris, De l’Imprimerie Royale, 1753.


A highly detailed geographical account of the coasts of Acadia (Nova Scotia), Isle Royale (Cape Breton), and Newfoundland. The handsome maps depict the coasts and ports, with names of French settlements and towns noted, including a detailed plan of the port of Chibouctou in Nova Scotia. “Mr. Chabert’s work is highly praised by the commission appointed by the French Academy of Science to examine it, and is recommended as a model to future navigators. It is divided into two parts: the first containing an account of the author’s voyage from Brest to Louisbourg, and his four expeditions to the neighbouring coasts and islands; the second part containing the astronomical observations at large” - Sabin.

Sabin, 11723; Lande, 114; Bell, C223; Dionne II:489; TPL 222.

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