SMET (Jean Pierre de)

Voyages aux Montagnes Rocheuses,

et une annee de sejour chez les tribus indiennes…First French edition. Frontispiece, 19 plates and a folding map. 12mo. Original wrappers, detached, manuscript label to upper wrapper. vi, 304pp. Malines, 1844.


Having emigrated to the United States in 1821, De Smet was ordained in 1827 and began working in the American north west in 1838. He opened missions in Montana and Idaho and established good relations with a number of native tribes. This later served him well as he undertook a number of peace missions to the Sioux. His works remain an important source for the history of the American west. This edition contains some material and linguistic notes not present in the first American edition. Sabin, 82272.

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