SUZUKI (Hachiro). &
ONCHI (Koshiro), bookdesign.
Waga niwa o utsusu [Photographing my Garden].
This is Suzuki’s best work, a charming publication showing scenes in his home garden in Tokyo. There is of course a strong seasonal aspect to the photographs, but Suzuki excels in showing the beauty of the mundane: This work is far removed from the crafted aesthetic of Fukuhara Shinzo: It prominently features his three daughters, the cat, wooden clogs in front of the veranda, the sun reflecting on the surface of stagnant pools, as well as repeated shots of an umbrella leaning beside a door. Suzuki explores the differences in morning and evening light, rain and sun, autumn and winter. Book and slipcase are designed by Onchi Koshiro. No copy in OCLC.