Wars in China - Second Opium War and the Treaty of Tianjin: 1859-71.

First and only edition. 5 volumes containing 11 lithograph maps (10 folding). Folio. Bound together in modern half-calf, a fine set. viii, 275; iv, 158; vii, 196; vii, 247; viii, 467pp. London, Harrison & Sons, 1861-, 1871.


1. Correspondence respecting Affairs in China 1859-60. London, 1861.2. Papers relating to the Rebellion in China, and Trade in the Yang-tze-kiang River. London, 1862.3. Further Paper relating to the Rebellion in China. With an Appendix. London, 1863.4. Papers relating to the Massacre of Europeans at Tien-tsin on 21st June, 1870. London 1871.5. Correspondence respecting the Revision of the Treaty of Tien-tsin. London, 1871.A collection of important Parliamentary Papers from the 1860s and early 70s. Includes maps of Ningpo, Amoy, Gulf of Pechili, and Kwangtung province.

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