William Dawes R.M. 1762-1836; A sketch of his life work and explorations

(1787) in the First Expedition to New South Wales: also as Governor of Sierra Leone, and in Antigua, West Indies. First edition. 8 plates. 8vo. A very good copy in original green buckram, gilt. vi, [2], 77pp. Torquay, W.H. Smith & Son, 1930.


William Dawes was one of the key figures of the First Fleet. Although originally appointed to serve on the marine detachment, William Bayley intervened and secured him the post of astronomer at the settlement. At the same time, Dawes took up the posts of surveyor and engineer. He returned to England after falling out with Governor Phillip and was quickly recruited by the anti-slavery activist William Wilburforce to serve as governor in Sierra Leone. Currer-Jones, his great grand-daughter, produced this brief account of his life and achievements.

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